2024-2025 School Bus Routes
Caroline County Public Schools provides transportation to and from each school for each student should they choose to ride the school bus. Additionally, the Transportation Department has a dedicated team of drivers to provide transportation home from school activities such a sports practices. Linked below are the bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year. Bowling […]
Field Trip Requests
The Transportation Department at Caroline County Public Schools provides transportation to field trip destinations upon request. Field trip requests are submitted by contacting the department and using the request link provided by the department. Requests must be submitted 2 weeks prior to the actual event. Trips need to be scheduled between 9am and 2pm. Field […]
Transportation Guidelines for Riding Buses
In order to provide a safe and enjoyable route to and from school, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes a safe transportation environment. See linked below the Caroline County Public Schools’ regulations for pupils riding school buses: Regulations for Pupils Riding School Buses