Congratulations CHS Betas!

On February 7th and 8th, our CHS Beta Club attended the Virginia State Beta Convention in Hampton, VA. Three of our Betas brought back top honors! Brooke Williams-1st Place Painting Division IAlivia Jones-1st Place Recyclable Art Division IBriar Penick-1st Place Onsite Cake Decorating Congratulations, Betas!

CHS Betas Serve Breakfast @ The Thurman Brisben Center

Recently, members of the CHS Beta Club got up early to make and serve breakfast at the Thurman Brisben Center in Fredericksburg, VA. These all stars prepared scrambled eggs, regular bacon, turkey bacon, regular sausage, maple sausage, fruit salad, biscuits and cinnamon rolls. All of the ingrediants were donated by our CHS betas and their […]

National Beta Free Virtual College Fair For Club Members

WE’RE HOSTING A VIRTUAL COLLEGE FAIR! All National Senior Beta members may register to participate. Tuesday, April 16, 2024 6  – 8:45 PM (EST) The Virtual College Fair provides a timesaving opportunity for Betas and their families to meet with and ask questions of a variety of college admissions counselors. The best part? The Fair is free for […]

Congratulations, CHS Beta!

The CHS Beta Club recently attended the VA Beta Leadership Conference. The group pictured below won in several categories and will go on to compete at the National Beta Convention in Savannah, GA this summer. Great Job CHS Beta!! A special congratulations goes out to Brooke Williams! Brooke was selected to be a VA Beta […]