LCES enjoyed our author visit from Ms. Shania Lewis!

We were delighted to host Ms. Shania Lewis, the author of “Dear Little Black Girl,” for an author visit. Ms. Lewis, a former student of LCES and CMS, engaged with students by answering their questions, reading her book via live stream, and concluding with a book signing session. Following the signing, she toured the school […]

Congratulations to our 2023 Teacher of the Year!

Lewis and Clark is pleased to announce the teacher of the year, Maureen Ballard. Ms. Ballard, a residentof Caroline County, has taught for 18 years with 11 of those years being with LCES. Although Ms. Ballardhas taught grades 2 through 5, she is currently a fourth-grade ELA teacher. In addition to her role asfourth-grade teacher, […]