CHS Parent Teacher Conferences 2/13 & 2/14
Date: February 13Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PMLocation: Caroline High School Date: February 14Time: 12:30 PM – 4:00 PMLocation: Caroline High School You can schedule a meeting by emailing the teachers directly or emailing our CHS Registrar, Ms. Minor, at or calling 804.633.9886. Please remember to tell us if you will be coming in […]
CHS Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for Monday, November 4th from 1-7PM. You can schedule your meeting with any of your student’s teachers. You can schedule a meeting by emailing the teachers directly, contacting school counselors, or by emailing our CHS Registrar, Ms. Minor, at or calling 804.633.9886. Please remember to tell us if you will be coming […]
Important Upcoming Dates
11/4/2024 – Early Release 11/4/2024 Parent Teacher Conferences at CHS 1:00-7:-00 11/5/2024 – Student Holiday – Election Day 11/19/2024 – Underclassman awards at 6:00 in the CHS Auditorium 11/27-11/29/2024 – Thanksgiving Break
WHENTHURSDAY, OCT. 12TH, 3-6PM WHERECAROLINE HIGH SCHOOL If a parents would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference for your student, then please email your child’s teacher to make the request. Please use this link to find the teacher’s email. Teachers will communicate a specific time for the virtual or in-person conference. Parents can also call 804-633-9886 and […]
CHS Parent/Teacher Conferences
WHEN THURSDAY, OCT. 13TH, 3-6PM Teachers and staff will be available for in-person or virtual conferences Thursday, 10/13/2022, from 3 to 6 pm. If you wish to schedule a parent-teacher conference for your student then please email your child’s teacher to make the request. Teachers will communicate a specific time for the virtual or in-person […]