Last Chance for Senior Make Up Photos

LAST CHANCE FOR SENIOR MAKUP PHOTOS! – Senior makeup pictures (formal only) will be on November 13. Your English Teachers have the schedule. UNDERCLASSMEN MAKEUP PHOTOS – Makeup pictures for underclassmen will be held on October 30. Your English Teachers have the schedule.

Underclassmen February CAVs of the Month

Congratulations to the February “CAV of the Month” winners for grades 9–11: Chase Whiting (9th) enjoys participating in the Coding Club and is a member of the Track and Field team. His favorite class is History and he likes the number of diverse activities and the “great learning opportunities” high school has to offer. Riley Forehand (10th) is also […]

April Underclassman CAVs of the Month

Congratulations to the April “CAV of the Month” winners for grades 9–11: Hope Shannon (9th), Ty’Eir Williams (10th), and Summer Anthony (11th). The students were selected by CHS staff for excelling academically and demonstrating respect, responsibility, and honesty in their actions. Hope is a member of the field hockey and softball teams and also plays travel softball. Her favorite class at CHS is […]

CHS Underclassmen CAVs of the Month

Congratulations to the February “CAV of the Month” winners for grades 9–11: Keyon Frye (9th), Ava Milligan (10th), and Justin Hill (11th). The students were selected by CHS staff for excelling academically and demonstrating respect, responsibility, and honesty in their actions. As a freshman, Keyon is enjoying his first year at CHS and said he likes the atmosphere of the school and the […]

Congratulations, December Underclassmen CAVs of the Month!

Congratulations to the December “CAV of the Month” winners for grades 9–11: Cody Swanton (9th), Elijah Usher (10th), and Audrey Edwards (11th). The students were selected by CHS staff for demonstrating respect, responsibility, and honesty in their actions in the classroom and through participation in extracurricular activities. In addition to excelling academically, each of the […]