Parent Teacher Resource Center-PTRC E-News 12-18-2020

News from the Caroline County Public Schools –
Parent Teacher Resource Center
December 18, 2020

PLEASE SHARE !   Have a wonderful winter break!

Contact the PTRC for more information on any items on this page: sgayle@ccps.us
804-633-7083-extension 1702

COMPLETE TODAY!  The deadline to complete the VA Dept of Education Indicator 8 Parent Survey is December 18, 2020. This survey is asking if your school system included you in the IEP process – did you feel heard? Were you encouraged to be an active partner in the planning of your child’s educational services by: teachers, administrators, staff, PRC, special ed leadership, etc. It is not asking if you are happy with his/her IEP, services, accommodations, etc. There are other State Indicators that measure that. Indicator 8 is looking at parent involvement. 
English Version of 2019-2020 Indicator 8 Parent Survey
Spanish Version of 2019-2020 Indicator 8 Parent Survey

Hosted by the Region 3 Parent Resource Centers: 
Caroline, Spotsylvania and Stafford!
 Spotlight on Community Agencies.pdf
Eventbrite registration link page: https://spotlightoncommunityagencies.eventbrite.com   

Transition University
The course begins the evening of February 6, 2021  and will be open through March 26, 2021 at 6pm.  REGISTER NOW!
This is a FREE 5-week SELF-PACED online course that focuses on providing parent-friendly transition information.  These online sessions are designed to help parents/guardians navigate the transition process for their school age child and prepare for the adult world. Presented by PEATC in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)

VCU-ACE – Upcoming events:
February 1 – 26, 2021: 4 Week ASD for Paraprofessionals Online Course
February 4, 2021: Lunch and Learn Returns
February 8 – March 15, 2021: 5 Week Evidence-based Practices to Teach Students with ASD Online Course for Virginia Educators

Early Childhood Academy 2021
Early Childhood Academy is a free self-paced online course designed to provide practical information to families of young children (birth through age 6) with disabilities or developmental delay. Topics include the importance of parents as 1st teachers, supporting early development, special education, and more! Presented by PEATC in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)

PBS is offering Circle Time at Home
Circle Time at Home brings young learners a familiar school routine—right into the home! The activities are aligned with Virginia’s PreK and Kindergarten learning standards. Plus, using the circle time routine helps children’s learning, memory and knowledge—so they can use their new skills in the real world!

Mental Health:

44 Children’s Books About Mental Health
Best books for helping kids understand emotional and learning challenges – Posted by The Child Mind Institute
From a hedgehog too anxious to go ice skating to a puppy who can’t make his letters come out right, children’s books address many emotional, behavioral and learning challenges kids face.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Basics
In this guide you’ll learn the signs and symptoms of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, how it’s diagnosed and how it’s treated.  Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is a relatively new disorder that describes children who have frequent explosive outbursts, and are irritable in between.


9 Tips for Enhancing Connections During COVID-19
This post shares nine practical tips for strengthening authentic and supportive human connections. You’ll find concrete ways to engage students, create and spread more joy, and encourage supportive peer connections during the ongoing pandemic. This a great blog post from The Inclusion Lab at Brookes Publishing.

Resources you need to know:

Caroline County Schools Special Education Department  Stay updated!
Caroline County Schools Transition Program  Check out the latest activities our students are participating in. 

Autism Society-Central Virginia (AS-CV)
Whether you’re new or have been involved in the ASD community for a while the AS-CV is the #1 resource for you and your family. They offer a wealth of information and resources, as well as, social, support and sibling opportunities. Becky Boswell, Bradford Hulcher, Tammy Burns and the rest of the team are committed, knowledgeable and passionate about helping you and your family. Be sure to check out their ‘meetings and events’ page.

Community Services Board (CSB)
The Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (RACSB) provides prevention, treatment, employment and support services for Caroline citizens and families with mental health, substance use and intellectual disabilities. They work collaboratively with schools, law enforcement, and social services. They can also assist you with case management, counseling, crisis services, and general parenting education.

Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)
The department offers a wide array of specialized services, supports, resources and programs for Virginia residents of all ages who are experiencing significant visual disabilities. The DBVI is committed to providing quality services to assist Virginia’s citizens who are blind, deafblind or vision impaired in achieving their maximum level of employment, education, and personal independence.

Department of Social Services (DSS)
and the CSB work very closely together to serve you, your child and your family. They help to ensure that thousands of Virginia’s most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them, such as: Financial Assistance, Medicaid Waivers, Health Financial Assistance, Family & Individual Services, Services for Children, and Services for Adults.

disAbility Resource Center  409 Progress St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401  540-373-2559
A Center for Independent Living working to enable people of all disabilities of all ages to reach their greatest potential of independent living. 

Down Syndrome Association of Greater Richmond (DSAGR)
DSAGR is a wonderful resource. They strive to improve the quality of life for individuals with Down syndrome and their families by providing access to current and accurate information on Down syndrome and by fostering programs that focus on education, community services, public awareness, medical issues, research, advocacy, legal issues and parenting.

Paragon Autism Services  
For more information contact Joshua@paragonautismservices.com  

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)     PEATC builds positive futures for Virginia’s children by working collaboratively with families, schools and communities in order to improve opportunities for excellence in education and success in school and community life. They offer FREE information, assistance, and support via email or phone, as well as, FREE workshops, presentations and training for both parents and educators. Call 1-800-869-6782. 

Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) can assist you with many things. They collaborate with schools in providing Transition Services. They offer Employment Services help people with disabilities get ready for, find, and keep a job. We have a residential training and medical rehabilitation center known as Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center, and they process disability claims for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Disability Programs.

Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)
This department manages Virginia’s public mental health, developmental disability and substance abuse services system. Services are provided for children, families, and adults with mental illness, intellectual or developmental disabilities or substance abuse disorders, as well as, for veterans. For more information call 804-786-3921 or visit