Student Course Request Process for 2023-2024

CHS Cavs are starting to plan for the 2023-2024 school year! During the first week back from break, students engaged in lessons and activities geared towards academic and career planning. Students will meet individually with their counselors during the 2nd semester to select their course requests for next year.

Current course offerings can be viewed on our Program of Studies website at https://ccpsprogramofstudies.weebly.com/. Other helpful information is also available including graduation requirements.

Students may change their course requests once selected by contacting their School Counselor. Course request changes will be accepted until May 26, 2023.

Students can explore future career options through MajorClarity. This is the CCPS academic and career planning platform. Students can access MajorClarity through their Clever login. CHS also has a Career Counselor – Lorrie Hummer (lhummer@ccps.us) and College Adviser – Kaleigh Shortridge (kshortridge@ccps.us) to guide students as they create their plans for after high school.