Vaccination Clinic for Rising 12th Grade Students

Caroline High School will host a vaccination clinic in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). This clinic will provide Tdap, HPV, and Meningococcal ACWY vaccines for eligible students.

To ensure your child can participate, please complete the 2024 Adolescent Vaccination Consent Form, which was sent home with your student. Completed forms must be returned to the school no later than Monday, January 29.

Important Information:

  • Eligibility: Students must be 11 years of age or older on the day of the clinic.
  • Cost: Vaccines are provided at no cost for those eligible under the Vaccines for Children Program. If your child is covered by private insurance, VDH will seek reimbursement for allowable costs.
  • Forms: A completed consent form is required for your child to receive any vaccine at the clinic. This form was emailed to all students and parents.

For additional questions or concerns about the clinic or specific vaccines, please feel free to contact us at CHS.