Gifted & Talented

Caroline County identifies giftedness in the following domains:

  • General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA)—a significantly higher than average innate aptitude for intellectual activities that cannot be acquired through personal effort.
  • Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA) English- a significantly higher than average innate ability to read and create various works of literature.
  • Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA) Mathematics- a significantly higher than average innate ability to solve real life situations using logic and reasoning.
  • Instrumental Music- a musically gifted child demonstrates an understanding of rhythm, melody, harmony, and pitch with the ability to match tones and embrace various musical genres. (Grades 6-12)
  • Vocal Music- a musically gifted child demonstrates an understanding of rhythm, melody, harmony, and pitch with the ability to match tones and embrace various musical genres. (Grades 6-12)
  •   Visual Arts- an artistically gifted child puts depth into drawing, planning, and demonstrates proportion with the ability to draw a variety of images realistically and creatively. (Grades 6-12)

Identification Process:

Students may be referred for gifted services at any time.  Multiple data is gathered and an eligibility committee will meet to decide if gifted services are needed.  Eligibility meetings are held in the fall and spring.  Please see the gifted specialist at your child’s school for more information regarding gifted identification.

Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted