E-News from the Parent Teacher Resource Center – 1-15-2021

News from the Caroline County Public Schools –
  Parent Teacher Resource Center
January 15, 2021


Join the Family Partnership at this link:  https://meet.google.com/sav-abvr-duz

Transition University The course begins the evening of February 6, 2021  and will be open through March 26, 2021 at 6pm.  REGISTER NOW!  This is a FREE 5-week SELF-PACED online course that focuses on providing parent-friendly transition information.  These online sessions are designed to help parents/guardians navigate the transition process for their school age child and prepare for the adult world. Presented by PEATC in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)

Self Care & Social Emotional Wellbeing | January 21 at 6:30 PM. The COVID-19 pandemic and all of its uncertainty has added additional stressors and anxiety for many individuals. When you make “you” a priority, you are better equipped to handle stress, avoid burnout, and remain centered to help your family and students cope with the many changes the pandemic has thrown your way. This interactive workshop will shed light on the importance of self-care and social emotional wellbeing during these uncertain times.

Regulation of Restraint and Seclusion in Virginia’s Schools: What Parents Should Know | January 26 at 6:30 PM. Presented by the disAblity Law Center, this presentation will address when restraint and seclusion may, and when they may not be used by school personnel; documentation and reporting requirements; personnel training requirements; mandatory school policies and procedures; and other relevant regulatory provisions that parents should be aware of in the new restraint and seclusion regulations.

Anatomy of an IEP | January 27 at 7:00 PM. This presentation will dissect the IEP, examine the parts individually, learn the functions of each section, and how the parts come together to create a whole document. You will learn constructive and practical tips to help create an IEP that supports the student accessing a free and appropriate public education.

Early Childhood Academy 2021
Early Childhood Academy is a free self-paced online course designed to provide practical information to families of young children (birth through age 6) with disabilities or developmental delay. Topics include the importance of parents as 1st teachers, supporting early development, special education, and more! Presented by PEATC in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)

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TOPIC: ABLE-now presentation

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