E-Newsletter from the Parent Teacher Resource Center 9-10-2021

News from the Caroline County Public Schools –
  Parent Teacher Resource Center
September 10-2021

Welcome Back to School!

What a year we have had!  I hope that everyone has remained healthy and safe.Many new activities are being planned through the Parent Teacher Resource Center that will help in the academic success of your students.
As a reminder, the Parent Teacher Resource Center is your hub!
We have information on everything families and school staff need to promote student academic success.  We also provide reinforcement activities for all subject areas.Contact Susan Gayle at the Parent Teacher Resource Center for information!
804-633-7083 ext-1702

What’s all the buzz about Family/Parent Involvement and Family Engagement Early literacy is critical for student success. Parents and families are key to the development of children’s literacy. From birth on, the role of the family can help to determine a child’s path in this area. Early intervention and activities (talking and singing to babies; reading to toddlers and young children) are important, and the role of families in literacy does not end when their child enters school. There is a continuous partnership between family, school and community that keeps this crucial area of learning growing.
No matter what the literacy level of the parents and families, their interest, involvement, concern and caring make a difference in the literacy skills of their children all the way through high school.
So bottom line…without parents/families, it’s harder for children to experience success in school.             We need YOU!! Your children need YOU!


Thursday, September 16, 2021 – 6:30 p.m. Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Join Virtually – http://meet.google.com/fsi-bdpw-vqs
The purpose of SEAC:

  • To advise the local school system of the needs in the education of children with disabilities 
  • To assist the local school system in the development of long-range plans which will provide needed services for children with disabilities
  • To submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities to the local school board.
  • To review annually the school system’s updated special education plan and application for federal funding.
  • To hold a minimum of four regular meetings, which the public is encouraged to attend.

Teaching Children Responsibility 
Thursday, September 23, 2021

10:00 a.m. at the Parent Teacher Resource Center 
Encore presentation VIRTUALLY-6:30 p.m.
Join us at this fun, engaging presentation! Tips for raising capable, responsible children, setting boundaries, and more.  Please REGISTER  SO WE ARE ABLE TO PLAN FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING.


Caroline County Schools Special Education Department  Stay updated!
Caroline County Schools Transition Program  Check out the latest activities our students are participating in. 

  • Autism Society-Central Virginia (AS-CV)
    Whether you’re new or have been involved in the ASD community for a while the AS-CV is the #1 resource for you and your family. They offer a wealth of information and resources, as well as, social, support and sibling opportunities. Becky Boswell, Bradford Hulcher, Tammy Burns and the rest of the team are committed, knowledgeable and passionate about helping you and your family. Be sure to check out their ‘meetings and events’ page.
  • Community Services Board (CSB)
    The Rappahannock Area Community Services Board (RACSB) provides prevention, treatment, employment and support services for Caroline citizens and families with mental health, substance use and intellectual disabilities. They work collaboratively with schools, law enforcement, and social services. They can also assist you with case management, counseling, crisis services, and general parenting education.
  • Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)
    The department offers a wide array of specialized services, supports, resources and programs for Virginia residents of all ages who are experiencing significant visual disabilities. The DBVI is committed to providing quality services to assist Virginia’s citizens who are blind, deafblind or vision impaired in achieving their maximum level of employment, education, and personal independence.
  • Department of Social Services (DSS)
    and the CSB work very closely together to serve you, your child and your family. They help to ensure that thousands of Virginia’s most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them, such as: Financial Assistance, Medicaid Waivers, Health Financial Assistance, Family & Individual Services, Services for Children, and Services for Adults.
  • disAbility Resource Center – 409 Progress St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401  540-373-2559
    A Center for Independent Living working to enable people of all disabilities of all ages to reach their greatest potential of independent living. 
  • Down Syndrome Association of Greater Richmond (DSAGR)
    DSAGR is a wonderful resource. They strive to improve the quality of life for individuals with Down syndrome and their families by providing access to current and accurate information on Down syndrome and by fostering programs that focus on education, community services, public awareness, medical issues, research, advocacy, legal issues and parenting.
  • Paragon Autism Services  
    For more information contact Joshua@paragonautismservices.com  
  • The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)     PEATC builds positive futures for Virginia’s children by working collaboratively with families, schools and communities in order to improve opportunities for excellence in education and success in school and community life. They offer FREE information, assistance, and support via email or phone, as well as, FREE workshops, presentations and training for both parents and educators. Call 1-800-869-6782. 

For information concerning these events and more, contact the PTRC!