How is CCPS shifting to a structured literacy approach?

CCPS has carefully reviewed current division resources and has phased out those resources that focus on balanced literacy.  CCPS will adopt VDOE approved instructional resources that align with evidence-based instruction for the 24-25 school year.  

Phasing out Balanced Literacy: 

Phasing out the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment 

Phasing out the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention resources

Phasing out the use of leveled text and guided reading instruction

Implementing Structured Literacy: 

Revising the K-5 master schedule for more whole group, explicit, and systematic literacy instruction

Revising the CCPS pacing guides to reflect shifts in literacy practices

Developing teacher knowledge through Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) training

Implementing Heggerty Phonemic Awareness in grades K-3

Implementing Heggerty Bridge the Gap for intervention in gr. 2-5

Phasing in the LETRS phonics lesson plan format and resources 

CCPS is continuing to forge a strategic path toward the 2024-2025 full implementation of the Virginia Literacy Act and the Science of Reading. Click HERE to read what’s happening behind the scenes.